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An Introduction to Recruitment…

This blog post is for anyone who’s thinking about recruitment as a career, but isn’t quite sure if it’s for them. Here’s my experience of joining the recruitment industry.

When I joined Permanent People two months ago, my knowledge of the recruitment industry was limited, and was coloured by certain misconceptions that many people outside the industry seem to have. I told my friends I was considering a career in recruitment. ‘It’s cut-throat,’ they told me gravely, and they talked about revolving doors, stress, and long hours.

But they didn’t deter me. With my friends’ comments in mind, I knew I wanted to find a company whose ethos sat well with my own values – a desire to exceed expectations whilst maintain a strong sense of integrity. I also wanted a challenge. I have a competitive nature and a desire to make a career for myself, so I knew I needed to find a company that could offer me the opportunity to succeed. I eventually discovered Permanent People, and once I’d read about the company I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Next, I applied for an entry-level job with them. Not long after, I found out I had been successful.

I had the job.

Having left my previous employment on the Friday, I had the weekend to prepare for my first day in the office. After seven years of working in retail, I had no idea what to expect other than no more 4am starts and no more uniform – and of course, the knowledge that I had no recruitment experience whatsoever. I also still had my friends’ comments at the back of my mind, although I was determined to find out about the recruitment industry for myself.

On my first day, the Director, Paul, asked me if I knew what a job board was. I can laugh now at the mild panic I felt. After two weeks of shadowing a fellow consultant, I can also laugh at the horror I felt when he told me to jump in at the deep end and start finding prospective candidates by contacting established, experienced consultants on my own to discuss their next career move.

In hindsight, getting online, calling candidates and getting stuck in was the perfect way of learning about the industry.

During my first few days at the office, one of my tasks was to source a number of trainees for a high profile client in Cardiff. After a visit to the client’s office, I had a clear idea of what it was they were looking for and set to sourcing some strong candidates to get the ball rolling. The first-day-nerves were gone. Driven by the excitement of filling vacancies and cementing my place within the office*, I threw myself into the task.

And here I am now. I’ve made three placements in my first seven weeks with Permanent People, with more in the pipeline, and really do feel like I fit in at the office. I’ve been promoted to consultant, and I genuinely believe that this is the industry that I belong in. I’d recommend it to anyone.

*The copious amounts of coffee and rich tea biscuits also helped.



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🎄✨ Merry Christmas from Permanent People! 🎄✨

As the festive season is upon us, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our amazing clients and candidates 🌟

Thank you for trusting us with your journeys this year – whether it was finding the perfect role or the ideal addition to your team, we’ve been honoured to be part of your success.

Your support means the world to us, and we’re excited to continue building incredible futures together in 2025.

From all the team here at Permanent People Rec2Rec , we wish you a joyful Christmas filled with love, laughter, and happiness 🎁🎅

🎉 Here’s to a bright and prosperous New Year! 🎉

#MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #ThankYou #Rec2Rec #Recruitment #recruitmentagency #Christmas #recruiterlife #recruitmentconsultant
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🎉 We’ve hit 30,000 followers! 🎉

A huge thank you to everyone who’s been part of our journey so far. Your support, engagement, and trust mean the world to us. 🥰

This milestone is not just a number; it’s a reflection of the incredible connections we’ve built with candidates, clients, and industry professionals over the last 11 years. Here’s to continuing to grow, innovate, and make a positive impact together!

⭐Permanent People Rec2Rec ⭐

Thank you for being with us every step of the way 💼💪
#Recruitment #Milestone #ThankYou #30KFollowers #LinkedIn #rec2recagency #recruitmentagency #linkedinfollowers #local #global #recruiterlife
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Happy Birthday 🥳 to Louise, who runs our Amsterdam office!

Hope you have a great day celebrating 🎉 

#Rec2Rec #recruitmentagency #Amsterdam #Birthday #Cake
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Today marks Permanent People's 11th year in business, a milestone we're very proud of.

Since we opened our doors back in 2013, we've been through lots of ups and downs, learned a lot and developed some great relationships throughout the recruitment industry.

We now operate across the globe, and have helped lots of recruiters find their new roles over the years. Some are now clients, others have relocated to a new country and we've also seen people get married and grow their families, which has been great to see!

The way we've always wanted Permanent People to be, is to take things personally and care about the people we work with, and we're extra proud that this still runs through our DNA today. 

If we treat people as we would want to be treated, give great service and actually, genuinely care about what we do - then I believe this is what has set us apart over the years.

Personally and professionally, this year has been a tough one, so we're really glad to have a great team in place that have been able to support each other and get on with things!

A company is only as good as the people that work within it, so on that basis, with Gemma Hill, Beth Long and Louise Reid in place, we are a world class business, and I'm very lucky to work with all 3 of them.

Here's to the next 11 years!!

#Rec2Rec #Recruitment #recruitmentagency #recruitmentbirthday #11years #recruiterlife #instarecruitment
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Wishing our very own Gemma Hill, a very, very Happy Birthday 🎈today!!

Hope you have the best day @loveshoes1981 

#Rec2Rec #Birthday #RecuiterLife #recruitmentagency #celebrate
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Today marks the 1 year work anniversary of Maz Ataie here at Permanent People 🥳

Maz manages all of our recruitment across London, the Home Counties and the South Coast, and over his 1st year, he’s built up very strong relationships with our clients in these areas, whilst also placing some great recruiters into some brilliant companies!

He’s currently got live recruitment vacancies in Life Sciences, A&F, Education, Construction, Finance and Legal (amongst many more).

Here’s to year 2 and more success 🙌

#rec2rec #workanniversary #oneyear #recruitment #recruitmentconsultant #recruitmentagency #recruiterlife #permanentpeople
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Celebrating 5 years of the FABULOUS Louise Reid on our Team 🧡 🥳

Louise heads up all of our European hiring needs and actually made the move herself 3 years ago when she set up home in Amsterdam 🏠 

She’s a creative bubble of positivity and smiles! Clients and candidates form a loyal friendship with her, and over the years she’s become your ‘go to girl’ for matching both with their individual needs.

She is an instrumental part of the team and we’re SO lucky to have you! Here’s to many more happy, successful years 🎉 🍾 

#Rec2Rec #recruitment #workanniversary #amsterdam #celebrate #recruiterlife #europe #thankful #recruitmentconsultantjobs #recruitmentagency #recruitmentconsultant #instamsterdam
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