Curriculum Vitae, something that we all have to write at some stage or another, but can we all improve on our approach when writing it. Over the course of our education, we’re told to improve our grades and reach our potential, but we are rarely ever given a life lesson in selling ourselves. Today one of my first tasks was vetting the many candidates that put themselves forwards for positions that Permanent People offer, a process that is a lot more complex than previously assumed.
“There is no right or wrong way to write a CV”, the educated words I received from the head of the firm, Paul, before taking on my task, and completely true. After wading through the dozens of applications I realised one thing, that every single CV had a different layout. When we write CV’s we use the modern approach to anything: we Google it, but apparently, this is the wrong way to do something that is meant to be so personal. Instead, what I realised while reading, was that the balance of personality and achievement is vital for selling yourself. Ultimately the point of a CV is to ensure that employers recognise your abilities in relation to the work within their business or firm, but also ensure that we sell who we are before we even enter the interviewing process. The job market at the moment is the hardest it’s been to enter in years, and this means us emphasising our abilities is imperative. If we denote we are an outgoing person with the ability to comprehend complex situations, make sure that you do so, but more importantly if you are good at something make sure you tell us! Matching a personality to a job is something we specialize in, and honesty, in this area especially, is the best policy.