Just over three months ago, I ventured into the unknown to start Permanent People, with the idea of trying to make a small difference in the world of recruitment. That does sound clichéd I know but after working in the industry for over ten years, I thought it was time to try to shake things up a bit and look at things from a different angle.
So the company has started really well, better than I pessimistically thought, and every day brings new challenges, but if you speak to any of the candidates that I deal with or clients that have and are using our services, they will all tell you that what they have had from Permanent People is a personal service, that they have been listened to and that we do everything possible to make what they want to happen.
Our website is getting a healthy amount of hits, Twitter is gaining followers, our Facebook page looks good. Why is all that important, because it lets people who don’t know about us, and those that do, see a bit more of the inside of the company and gives them a chance to interact.
I am very proud to be dealing with some true market leaders across the UK and helping them to fill their staffing requirements, and likewise, it’s always very pleasing to see good people finding the job they want and making them happy.
So as the end of the year approaches and we enter into the next phase of the life of Permanent People, signs are positive that we are going in the right direction, thanks to the people we deal with.
Like the image says, there are no rules here, we are trying to achieve something, and we are. PR