It would be interesting to hear where most look when searching for a new role. Or do you?
In other words, have you found that new position by being approached by a recruiter when you were perfectly happy in your role. What was it that made you think about the change in career? Was it money, opportunity, training, a new challenge, location, promotion?
I think we fall into different categories.
We are unhappy in our job so we start looking around. Where do you go? Online? Local paper? A contact? Agency?
It would be really good to see what is the most effective way of searching. Perhaps you use Linked In or another type of job board. Or do you speak with a friend that knows someone, that knows someone.
You are happy in your job, all is well then you get a phone call or email suggesting a new role. If you were happy in your role, surely you wouldn’t consider a move unless, really, you’re not. Lots of us just continue where we are because it’s what we know, it’s familiar and we have to pay the bills. That’s fair enough, but surely along with family, relationships and friends, your job/career is a fundamental part of what makes you tick. It’s where you spend the majority of your time so why not go out and get what you want. If a relationship wasn’t working, that’s what you’d do. Why are we sometimes more loyal to our employers? Money of course. But that shouldn’t stop us trying to achieve what we think we are capable of.
Lots of us kind of look for a new job but it’s difficult when you’re at work and can’t be bothered when you get in. Weeks then turn to months, then years and before you know it, you are stuck in a rut. This is where an agency can really do your work for you.
For example, if someone contacted us at Permanent People and we didn’t have the ideal job for you, we would discuss what you did want and work on your behalf to try to find the position you really want. That, in my humble opinion, is what a good recruiter would do for you. If this is you, or any of the above, it would be good to hear your thoughts. PR