Search engines are the friend of many, especially any modern business. Today I spent time looking through more CV’s, using social media to help find candidates for work and updating our information to ensure that the vacancies on our site are current. A lot of screens and a lot of reading. These are the things that can make or break a business, the constant focus and drive to find what you want and what you need on a commercial level are vital in succeeding. It’s interesting for me to enter into this realm and also realise how flexible people really are, reading through employment histories of candidates is always interesting as it reveals how fluid our working lives really are. We rarely stay in one job for a career because we don’t always know what we want to do, what we’re good at, and how to approach getting to where we want once we realise our passion. Luckily, we’re here, we’re searching and we dedicate ourselves to discovering what you want and need in order to make your dream position attainable.